InSoft takes pride in having satisfied customers across globe. Our Work-From-Home model for entire field team enables us to reach out to customers when they need us despite different time zones we are in.
Team InSoft
Despite having very satisfied customers across globe we feel that the going which is good can be better. With this idea, entire InSoft team – development, support, testers, co-ordinators, system admin, accounts went through a learning program – “Dialogue in the Dark”, an experimental learning initiative totally in the dark for four hours including Lunch in the Dark.
InSoft’s Field Team
The experience in the dark is beyond expression. This initiative has given us the feeling that each team member is emotionally and mentally closer, breaking barriers, enhancing flow of communication internally. This we hope will translate in enhancing our ability to understand our customers and our services to them.
At InSoft it is not only about innovation, developing cutting edge technologies and better products offering but enhancing capacity of each individual to sensitize to look from the position of our customers, partners and service providers.
We express our gratitude to Sudha Krishnan and Ananth who created this experience – “Dialogue in the Dark” for our team.