100% automation ensuing
reliable and quick service

Imp simply wins us more
business – every time!

Printi and Imp –
A match made in heaven

InSoft is an important
vendor and partner

Thousands of pieces of art
a day being processed

Software intelligence
automates imposition

Layout planning from hours
and days to minutes

With Imp estimation is
an exact science

Saves 1 hour per job for CSR
and 40 minutes per layout

Seamless integration with
SAP and Esko workflow

Imp enhanced our inquiries
to orders ratio

A well designed system with
advanced capabilities

Impositioning without any
operator interventions

Over € 54000 saved in only
six weeks’ time

Reliable & efficient prepress automation

Imp reduced job setting
time by 70%



In conversation with Shri Ankit Mehta, Management Team Member

Imp Software reduced our job setting time by nearly 70%

About Company

Amba Multiprint, initially known as Amba Offset, began its journey in the realm of commercial printing, specializing in the production of spiritual and devotional books in 1998. However, with the advent of digital media, the traditional commercial printing industry began to witness a decline, challenging the sustainability of smaller enterprises like ours. In the face of this shifting landscape, a pivotal recommendation came our way in 2016—venture into packaging.

Embracing this advice, we took our first steps into the packaging sector, marking the beginning of a transformative journey. By 2018, our exploration expanded into the Flexo labels vertical, further diversifying our offerings. This transition from a modest commercial printing unit to a comprehensive Printing and Packaging house has been a testament to our adaptability and commitment to growth.

Throughout this evolution, Amba Multiprint has remained committed in upholding the values and ethics that have defined our journey.

How has your business and the demands of your customers changed over the past few years?

In recent years, the dynamics of our business and the expectations of our customers have undergone significant transformations. Today’s market is characterized by an unparalleled demand for speed and efficiency—customers expect rapid turnaround times and are less inclined to tolerate delays. The prevailing sentiment is clear: If we are unable to meet their urgent needs, they will swiftly turn to who can.

This shift has necessitated a profound re-evaluation of our operational and customer service strategies. We’ve had to become more agile, optimizing our processes and leveraging technology to ensure that we can respond to customer demands with the speed they expect. Additionally, we’ve invested in improving our communication channels and customer service protocols to keep our clients informed and satisfied throughout the production process.

Being proactive has also become more critical than ever. Anticipating customer needs and preparing in advance has allowed us to stay ahead of demands, thereby reinforcing our commitment to excellence and reliability in a highly competitive market.

Ultimately, these changes have not only challenged us but have also provided an opportunity to excel and differentiate ourselves by demonstrating unwavering dedication to our customers’ success, through both the quality of our work and the efficiency with which we deliver it.

What are the main challenges and opportunities for your company?

Challenge: The primary challenge lies in making strategic investments in the right technology, encompassing both machinery and software systems, while simultaneously maintaining and motivating our human talent. It’s crucial to keep our team inspired and engaged as we navigate through these advancements.

Opportunity: Our opportunity lies in the robust growth story of the Indian economy. As we pursue our growth milestones, it’s imperative that we remain committed to our values, ensuring they guide us through our journey of expansion and success.

What was the reason for the purchase of Imp?

The primary reason for purchasing the IMP was its capabilities in ganging and nesting, which enable swift productivity, precise layouts, and consistently accurate jobs.

What have been/are the anticipated benefits of this investment for your company and for your customers?

We have reduced our job setting time by nearly 70% with the IMP. Additionally, the software’s user-friendly interface allows even designers with minimal experience to achieve much faster outcomes. This efficiency has significantly contributed to expanding our clientele and retaining our customers.

How long have you been using products from InSoft Automation?

We are using IMP software from InSoft for now almost 3 years.

What made you choose Imp specifically?

We explored various options but found that none offered the comprehensive set of features available in the IMP. Additionally, competing solutions were limited by fundamental machine parameters, which further encouraged us to choose IMP over others.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about InSoft?

We are pleased with the service, the friendly team of engineers, and the regular updates that introduce new features, enabling us to achieve even faster job setting always.

Shri Ankit Mehta

Management Team Member


Reliability and efficiency in prepress automation with Imp software


FLYERALARM is a company based in Germany that specializes in online printing and marketing services. They offer a wide range of products, including business cards, flyers, brochures, banners, and promotional items produced at multiple Locations in Germany. FLYERALARM operates an easy-to-use online platform, allowing customers to customize and order their products conveniently. FLYERALARM is the printing and marketing partner for small and medium-sized companies. With over 3 million product configurations, the online platform offers customers a place where they can find everything, they need to market their business. With a strong emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction, FLYERALARM has established itself as a reliable partner for businesses seeking affordable and efficient printing solutions worldwide.

Imp Software’s Impact at FLYERALARM

“Prepress Automation – This is where we take care of an important digital asset: our customers’ print data. The focus is always on the question: “How does the data get from the online store to the print departments?” Data Management looks after everything and optimizes all the necessary systems and ensures that every print company receives the right print data at the right time.

And what do you have to be able to do at Prepress Automation? Quite a lot. An affinity for the printing industry. Technical knowledge of printing presses and processes. And at the same time, you need programming experience. Because Prepress Automation fulfills the difficult task of bringing together two worlds – the printing industry and IT.

With IMP, we are able to combine these two factors reliably and efficiently.

André Höckelmann

Lead Prepress Automation

Printed Easy, UK

Imp is the most powerful and dynamic imposition software


Printed Easy has delivered reliable, innovative and highly professional managed print services to businesses of all sizes for over 35 years.

Our strategy is to invest in the latest technology, our team, and processes to ensure our service to our customers is consistent, reliable and professional, making us not only one of the UK’s leading commercial printers but also a trusted partner in print.

Imp Usage

Imp and ImpFlow have been instrumental in empowering Printed Easy to handle over 400 jobs daily, eliminating the need for a prepress facility.

All orders seamlessly flow through our website, seamlessly integrating with our MIS system for processing and onward to our automation system for file preparation, planning, and output.

Imp provides us with the flexibility to efficiently configure our litho and digital presses, build a substrate library and configure binding methods.

This allows us to set precise parameters for all our equipment and substrate limitations.

The seamless integration of ImpFlow into our Enfocus Switch setup, driven by instructions conveyed through XML and filename expressions, has allowed us to fully automate the imposition process.

This ensures that the layout matches the specifications outlined by our MIS system, while adhering to the specific requirements of the chosen binding method.

Having relied on Imp and ImpFlow for six years, we’ve witnessed the software evolve in tandem with our needs.

The Insoft family has always been receptive to our requests and incorporating valuable features into updates.

I recommend Imp and ImpFlow to anyone seeking to enhance their automation processes.

Andy Kent

Head of Workflow & Automation

Brush Art Corp, USA

Imp’s intelligence grows business


Donlevy Litho (http://donlevylitho.com/) & Sun Graphics (https://sun-graphics.com/) are the printing companies under Brush Group. Tom Brush of Brush Art Group shares his joy on discovering cost-based imposition and ganging software “Imp.”

Automation, Digitization, Artificial Intelligence are the buzz words. Clarity on what to automate and why is key for business. One of the metrics of investment is ROI. We are delighted to share how our investment in InSoft’s Imp software enhanced our printing business and the bottom line.

Why Imp software?

After extensive searching for imposition concepts, the Imp software was the only one we found that was complete end-to-end correct calculations based on our multiple job requirements.

Benefits of Imp Software

We now can offer the customer a better configuration path for production which translates to a lower cost to produce the same job another printer may not be able to configure with their current planning process. Imp simply wins us more business – every time.

What kind of time, material and press run savings you are experiencing?

That is tough to pin down – but one packaging job I planned using Imp versus our traditional method – was almost half the cost with Imp configuring a better sheet size and nesting.

Technical Support

It is so good; Very very responsive and they think through the projects – not just hand you back what you asked for – they come back with better ideas.

Tom Brush

Vice President – Sales

Printi, Brazil

Smart, intuitive imposition without operator intervention


Printi made its entry in the Brazilian print industry in 2012 and has made it to the biggest web-to-print company of Brazil ever since. Since 2015, they also became member of the largest group of online printers in the world, Cimpress. Their main goal is to improve the level of transparency and efficiency in the customization process of printed products.

They mainly focus on orders from end users and smaller companies. Rafael P. Cassola, Solution Architect at Printi, clarifies: “Other web-to-print companies usually don’t offer a good online experience for those markets. Their loss, our trump card!” They are determined to give everyone the opportunity to customize products quickly and easily at a low cost.

With Imp, you can think big

Printi’s biggest challenge is to offer a big portfolio of customized products, as each line of production has its own technical specifications. They were immediately on to the fact that software was the shortest way to achieve that goal. A dedicated team was focusing on bringing new solutions to their daily operation, and that’s how they discovered (and tested) Imp. “We identified a match made in heaven: we could exchange information between our MIS and Imp”, says Rafael. The ability to create a smart, intuitive imposition without the intervention of an operator definitely won them over.

“We identified a match made in heaven: we could exchange information between our MIS and Imp”

For 2 years, they have learned a lot about imposition, which made them able to identify other opportunities to improve their business. “The algorithm in Imp that decides which is the best solution to produce a big volume of orders allows us to focus on what brings real value to our company.”

“Imp allows us to focus on what brings real value to our company.”

The best part? “We really value their support: they always have our back and are always open to suggestions! In case of a problem, they respond quickly with a workaround or an innovative solution.” InSoft also constantly releases product updates, which often lead to Printi becoming more efficient in their process: “A good example would be the small imposition enhancement related to how PDFs were placed on the final page. This small update reduced the cutting time of some of our layouts from hours to minutes! Hats off to Imp!”

Rafael P. Cassola

Especialista em Soluções

SignInk, USA

InSoft is an important vendor and partner


Sign Ink, LLC is a large format wholesale print company in Ashland, VA. We have a variety of roll and flatbed printing equipment.

Imp Usage

We use Caldera RIP software for our printers. Caldera like other RIP programs has limited nesting and imposition features, especially for two-sided printing. We were using Adobe Illustrator to create two sided impositions. This process created a bottleneck in our production and resulted in redo’s due to errors in the manually created layouts.

As our volume grew, it became clear that we needed a true imposition & ganging software solution that was flexible and powerful. I began searching the internet and trade publications and meeting vendors at trade shows. We needed both automation and customization in the imposition product.

We reviewed every product we could find at the time. We had several GoToMeeting sessions and demos. We found many shortcomings in the software interfaces and large format imposition capabilities. It was important for us to see the imposition layouts that was created to be able to interact with and customize it as needed. Also, most products were developed years ago for small format nesting, and the features for large format weren’t available.

InSoft worked tirelessly to meet our output needs for large format, making several changes to their product to support our production workflow. We have been successful using InSoft in our production workflow and recently purchased an additional license. We would not be able to so easily handle our current work volume levels without it. InSoft works very hard to meet our imposition needs, is responsive in addressing problems and making needed improvements and has been an important vendor and partner for Sign Ink, LLC.

Tom Matherly


Disc Makers, USA

Imp helps us to hit a more predictable bottom line


Disc Makers, a 350 employees company established in 1946, specializing in short run music and book production. It is the world’s largest CD, DVD, and Blu-ray manufacturer for independent musicians, filmmakers, and businesses located in NJ, USA.

Imp Usage

Supplying artists with what they need to be seen in the same light as big artists, weather that is a musician or writer, we were augmenting our setup by replacing older equipment, adding new facilities, and improve efficiency. We needed an automation solution to help bring us into the future of artwork and content management. Imp software precisely filled this space, automating & optimizing our print production.

As we specialize in short run music and book production. The printed work we wind up running is in support of our larger client base. So, when clients orders for example a CD in a Digipack with a inserted booklet and Poster. We are producing 3 different pieces of art for them. In addition to molding the CD for them here. And printing the image on the disc for them as well. Processing around 300 different order for Discs a day to around 200 different Book orders a day. This quickly translates to thousands of pieces of art a day being processed for orders.

With Imp we experienced improved turn around times, adding predictability to ever changing production environment. Further the flexibility of “Imp” software enabled us to integrate with custom solutions.

We offer a range of products for Music clients. Ranging from more than 300 board style products like Digi’s and mailers to paper products like Posters, Stitched booklets, Jewel box inserts, J cards for USB Cassettes and flyers. Not to mention the Books being processed. Both Hard and Soft Cover across 13 or more different sizes.

Handsfree automation module – Imp Flow, combined with creative content management system feeding it, handles 99% of this work. The ramp up and design was laborious. In the end it has afforded stability and more importantly predictability to our printing operations. Allowing us to take full advantage of our Digital and Offset workflows to hit a more predictable bottom line.

We hope to begin working towards the Imp estimator module in our automation department in the coming year. Using IMP to determine printing routes based on the financial design of the system at hand. As well as looking at methods to help decide when Vending is the best option for larger orders. Or if we should keep those orders in house.

Michael Dixon

Manufacture Engineering Director

Finidr s.r.o., Czech Republic

Imp automates complicated and diversified book production


FINIDR is a fast-growing commercial offset print house with more than 25 years of tradition on the market. Our very wide portfolio with specialised binding and finishing currently dispatches 800 of titles a month.

Imp Usage

Existing sheet assembly system did not match our pace and quality and hence we started a project for purchase and integration of a new software. The software selection was an important phase of the project.

This took 6 months and after evaluating range of solutions we chose Imp & Imp-Flow from InSoft.

Imp software is very flexible, highly evolved imposition software suitable for automation of complicated high-volume diversified processes in book production. Hands free imposition feature Imp-Flow, with inbuilt software intelligence not only generates layouts based on Imp’s algorithms, but thanks to the PPXML principle enabling third party algorithms, e.g. information systems or own (custom) procedures. At the same time, we have received very strong and quick support from the InSoft team, from which character, esteem and fairness exude.

Automating & Optimization: Currently 25% of our print ready layouts are created without any manual intervention. With refinements and features development by InSoft we expect this to go upto 60%. 22% of our layouts are generated using Imp interface. And 17% in older system for our legacy systems.

Productivity Improvement: With Imp we have increased productivity, eliminated manual process, generating automated production reports quickly, quicker last-minute editing of layouts, dramatically reduced tasks for our IT department in maintaining old system. Finally, the layout data is populated in our existing systems database from Imp’s XML.

I am very glad that we can work with these experts who respond with precise solutions quickly. It seems they never sleep.

Pavel Chylík

Prepress Manager

Baesman Group, USA

Imp reduced layout planning time from hours & days to minutes


Baesman Group, Inc. located in the Columbus, Ohio area, is a printing and marketing company that is focused on the retail fashion industry. Baesman is the vendor of choice for some of the leading US fashion retailers and its client list looks like a who’s who for that industry.

Imp Usage

Retailers are continually resetting their in-store signage for new promotions and changes in the seasons. Baesman regularly receives lists of pieces that need to be printed, kit packed and distributed to the customer’s different stores to meet the marketing timelines of its customers. A single job could involve a large number pieces of varying sizes and quantities. Producing optimal layouts is a key to reducing the number of press forms and loss of time during the setups of many press forms.Another important factor is managing material waste costs with underutilized runs or because of excessive setup waste.

Baesman Group recognized an opportunity and went in search of a solution to solve the time intensive manual planning process of creating layouts for press forms which could take anywhere from a few hours to one or two days depending on the complexity of the project and the number of pieces.

After extensive research, they selected the Imp layout planning software from InSoft as a solution that could, not only gang same sized pieces together, but could intelligently gang groups of different sizes pieces together based on common characteristics like common paper and ink colors. One of the things that sets Imp apart is its ability to consider the optimal sheet size for each press form from multiple sizes in its database as it plans all press forms. It even takes into consideration working with more unusual characteristics such as how to optimize the piece layout based on how pieces of similar counts needed to be packed in the individual shipments. Pieces that share these similar per package quantities can be grouped together on the same sheet, those sheets counted and divider sheets placed in full press sheets before cutting, which reduces the amount of hours by handling sets instead of pieces.

Imp has reduced the layout planning process at Baesman Group from hours and days to minutes. They have found it had a very short learning curve and very quickly had a total staff of six estimators and planners up and running on it.

The Imp software is very flexible and while it will select what it has calculated to be the most ideal plan for each form, it still displays several alternatives to allow a planner to pick other options that might be better based on specific characteristics of a job. It will render drawings of the selected layouts and is able to export those layout files so they can be sent to the prepress department and downstream finishing machines equipped to handle those files.

Lance Younker

Production Manager

Express Pack Print Dubai, UAE

InSoft helped us improve our enquiries to order ratio

Quest for better print estimates

When a new business division was established, we started investigating ways to improve upon the Microsoft Dynamics ERP that was previously being used. A ready solution, specific to Print domain “Imp” from InSoft automation was discovered on internet. We started exploring this option with demo, discussions followed by a trial.

Layout planning and imposition are critical when it comes to estimation, especially so for packaging. Any packaging estimate needs to go to design team (CAD department) to make 1-UP keyline followed by planning of an optimized die layout taking available board sizes and machines into consideration. A valid quote was possible only after this complex layout planning task was completed by CAD department. As, every quote is not converted to an order, considerable resources and time are wasted.

Layouts for CAD and estimation in one step

InSoft provided a simple solution to the complex job of creating estimates for packaging jobs. The extremely easy-to-use parametric design template library for folding cartons – StylKit enabled our estimators to be independent of CAD/prepress department. Estimator creates 1-Up design in StylKit all by himself and then imports it into Imp software which automatically creates cost efficient print/die layouts. The estimation module built on top of this solid layout planning software allowed fast generation of accurate estimates. Multiple enquiries could be handled by one person.

The estimation module of Imp is powerful and automated, yet flexible. It gives us the flexibility of calculating costs in different pricing frameworks. Adding new operations or cost structure is easy, allowing us to keep our quotes as accurate as possible. Integrating our ERP with this solution accomplished easily through the XML generated by Imp.

The software is packed with many innovative features. For example, the innovative die-library functionality to manage and search hundreds of dies in inventory, is a very powerful feature that enables cost savings and die re-use. The feature to gang multiple artworks with unequal quantities also comes in handy.

Quotes are generated by a mixture of pre-configured and customized process variables and logic automating the entire process of cost estimation. Moreover, since these calculations are based on automatically calculated and optimized layouts by Imp (considering each operation and process) the quotes are not only accurate but also competitive. It enables us to lower the price to our customers while retaining our margins. It is not about giving quotes quickly but enhancing the top and the bottom lines.

I also know that, using the same software Imp, layouts created at estimation stage can be used directly in prepress to generate print ready impositions with marks. However, as our workflow is from ESKO and die making is outsourced, we predominantly use Imp only for planning and estimation.

Finally, I can say that the combination of StylKit and Imp estimation module eliminated guess work in our layout planning and estimation process and this solution helped us to improve our enquires to orders ratio. This is one smart investment we made lately in Express Pack Print.

Vijayandhran Ganesan


Foli de México

Imp is heart of our planning, estimation and imposition


When our company was founded in 1988 our product offerings were relatively simple. Competitive pressures would not allow us to sit still and Foli de Mexico has evolved into one of the most versatile print and packaging companies in the Americas for commercial print work, packaging, display and POP materials. Digital or sheet-fed, offset UV, every finishing technique our customers require and more – Foli de Mexico is proudly versatile.

Imp Usage

To keep up with both the shifting markets and our own growth we needed a flexible solution that would allow us to estimate fast and accurate prices from simple to very complex projects.

While our needs were straightforward we initially found that most of the print automation tools that were not as versatile as we are. We tested many possible solutions. While there are many good products to be found, again and again we found that these solutions were far more specialized in one specific type of job segment.

We found our ideal layout planning solution in 2012 when we discovered Insoft Automation’s Imp software online.

When we initially had an Insoft demo it was immediately apparent how their algorithms for ganging of flat and die-cut jobs as well as imposition for books were superior. In ganging, for example, Insoft looks at hundreds of options and chooses the one that is cost and production oriented, no matter if the jobs are regular or irregular (die-cut) shapes. Because Insoft’s smart automation knows the % of area that is used we can distribute both estimated prices and real costs to get very accurate costs results in each individual item.

Insoft’s automated layout planning software – “Imp” was a very straightforward choice. It was one solution for all kinds of jobs we produced on wide range of offset and digital printing machines.

Further Insoft’s “Imp” software for imposition and ganging calculates the layout by not only looking at costs, but also identifying the restrictions of materials and the machines available on the shop floor. We have a very sophisticated tool that gives us the most cost-efficient route to actually get the jobs done on our shop floor. We bought Imp Software in August 2012 and in less than a week were up and running.

We had problems with the supply chain and finance calculations. Our production and sales system was not integrated with the other departments. In 2014 after analyzing many MIS / ERP solutions we decided upon Microsoft Dynamics ERP system which integrates with Insoft’s solution seamlessly.

And, most importantly, because Insoft is flexible to handle estimating and planning for ALL the types of jobs that we do, we don’t need to piece together a hodgepodge of less flexible software to get state-of-the-art estimation and planning.

Insoft’s Imp software enabled us to lower price the customer while retaining margins and grow our business. It is heart of our Planning, Estimation and imposition.

Angel Viveros


Boom – Verweij, The Netherlands

Optimus MIS integrated with Imp software


Boom Verweij, a printing company, staffed by around 80 people has an annual turnover of 15 million Euro. Approximately 50% is general commercial and 50% are labels. Both produced on sheet-fed offset.

Imp usage in label department

The labels produced are wet labels, mainly for the food and drink industry. They range from food-tin labels to luxury bottle label. The labels are both square cut labels and die cut irregular shape labels. These labels are printed on a variety of substrates, including aluminium coated papers, in CMYK plus up-to 4 spot colours plus either aqueous or UV coating. Orders are received daily with up to 50 different order lines, each for a different label with different colours, coatings, substrates and quantities. Although customers regularly order the same products, they never do that in the same combination of products and quantities.

Imp is used to create ganged print runs with a combination of up to 25 labels per sheet. In the past creating the gang jobs and the imposed PDF for these print jobs was a very time consuming and laborious process involving a number of staff members.

The old workflow

On receipt of the order, CSR in the front office would gather an example of each label, to know the size and colours of each label. Then, manually group the order lines (examples) by size, substrate and colours. They work out which labels could be printed together on one sheet. An internally developed Excel would then assist is working out what number up of each label to put on the combination sheet in order to best match the quantity ordered by the customer.

Once the decision on the combination sheets were made, an order was created in the MIS for each combination sheet. The Excel sheet was used to import the label product data into the MIS order resulting in a list of product numbers per production job. This list was then given to the prepress department where the staff member responsible of the imposition work, re-keyed the product data into the prepress workflow system, located the source PDF for the product in the document archive, added the PDF to the prepress job and created the imposition, while adding colour bars and other print marks.

The new workflow with Imp software

Optimus has created a custom application that uses the Imp layout planning and imposition system through its Application Programming Interface (API) to fully automate this process. This application consists of the product database that stores all product data including the substrate, size, colours, coating, finishing and packing requirements for each product. Order lines received from the customer can be imported into the database of this application by dragging and dropping Excel sheets and CSV files. These files just contain the product number and the order quantity. Once imported, the product data is augmented with the product details from the database. This allows some global filtering on characteristics that prevent labels being combined on one sheet, notably the substrate and the type of coating.

The filtered selection (using the application programming interface of Imp) is then handed over to Imp, giving Imp the task of optimizing the combination of labels on sheets, taking the quantity, size and colours of each label and the production costs of the sheets into account. This process result in one of more press sheets being constructed. The information of the press sheets is handed back to the Optimus application. With this information production estimates and books in production jobs for each sheet are automatically created. Then the application again utilises the Imp API to create an imposed PDF by adding the path to the source PDF file to the layout data, selecting a marks template and instruction Imp to create the imposed PDF. This imposed PDF, that contains all colour bars and other required marks, is submitted to the prepress system, where a proof is automatically created and the job can be released for plate making.


The new workflow cuts hours of manual work out of the process. Not only it is no longer required for the CSR to collect all product information and shuffle though large amounts of paper work to create jobs, but also all the duplication of effort and the re-keying of information in the prepress department is no longer required. In fact, the entire prepress handing is complete cut out of the workflow (with the exception of releasing the job for plate making) as it is the CSR who creates the imposed PDF. In the new workflow it now takes only minutes between receiving the customer’s order and having an imposed PDF ready for plate making.

Boom Verweij is saving atleast an hour per job by CSR and 30 to 40 minutes per layout in prepress. Layout preparation task in prepress is completely eliminated.

Henny Van Esch

Pragati Offset, India

Imp integrated seamlessly with SAP ERP and Esko workflow


Established in 1962, Pragati is the preferred partner of many of our customers for all their quality print requirements. Pragati covers the full gamut of your print needs – from company profiles to brochures and catalogues, coffee-table books to calendars, folding cartons and labels to luxury rigid cartons as well as point-of-sale material.

Imp Usage

We have been using Imp since 2012 – initially for our commercial print operations, and since then it has become an integral part of our workflow. We added the Packaging version of Imp in 2014, and with its automatic planning on reels and sheets, it has helped in using our inventory more effectively, and giving us layouts with higher effectiveness, which allow us to be competitive in the market.

This year, we have started using Imp+ print estimating module for generating the estimates also – we were able to build-in the times, wastages, etc. which change based on different parameters for all the various operations we do like printing, lamination, foiling, embossing, die cutting, folder gluer, book binding, etc. This is not only across our sheetfed offset for commercial and packaging operations, but also for our reel-fed Flexo label presses too. For our labels unit, we have set it up to cost simultaneously on Flexo and Indigo presses, to work out which is the best fit for the job at hand.

Finally, we have been able to bring in automation both in our prepress workflow (through JDF integration with our Esko workflow) as well as in our SAP ERP. Imp’s final plans are exported as an XML and parsed into our SAP ERP system to generate the sale orders in the system automatically.

InSoft has been very proactive in understanding our use cases and giving us solutions that work. The new Estimation module is proof that InSoft continues to deliver cutting edge solutions.

Harsha Paruchuri


Aster Print, Russia

Integrated InSoft’s layout planner with MIS and Prinect Workflow accomplishing unmanned imposition and ganging


Aster Print offers the first modern online ordering service for the “Perm Krai” region of Russia. Aster Print’s printing house brings “super professional” service and prides itself on the soul that every production staff puts into the business.

In 2015, Aster-Print group launched web-2-print business named SmartPrint. Its mission is to connect clients directly with production sites, throughout the Aster group of companies. Clients can access a total of 185 production personnel, 4 production sites in three cities, and 98 pieces of equipment.

What made Aster Print Choose InSoft?

Aster Print was looking for an imposition and ganging solution that would exceed its core customer goals of faster, cheaper, and convenient 24-hour service.

Aster Print needed the ability to customize a wide range of work with a great degree of functionality . There were two main needs they were hoping to solve with a new imposition software:

  • Flexibility and ease of use.
  • A well-designed system with advanced capabilities.

Aster Print tried several solutions before finding lnSoft Imp and experienced the positive differences from other similar programs.

Top functionality in a single interface with Imp

For a web-to-print company such as Aster Print, it is key to have a solution with:

  • Very flexible settings
  • A simple but reliable system
  • No additional software

Imp allows you to fully define the job in XML. Imp’s flexible settings made a big difference to “set up a flow in a graphic interface or set up individual flow settings in every job” said Mr. Artyom Gabdrakhimov, Product Manager at Aster Print.

Imp uses simplicity to control complexity. Additionally, SmartPrint experienced the simple user interface of Imp, with the combined power of a reliable system for process automation . Plus, Aster Print enjoyed the fact that they did not need to buy any additional software to create a working workflow.

Artyom Gabdrakhimov

Product Manager

Control Media, The Netherlands

Impositioning without any operator interventions


We have started our digital department in June 2021 with a Canon VarioPrint iX 3200 cut-sheet digital press and 2 months later Canon ProStream 1800 digital web press was installed.

Imp Usage

For impositioning we had to find a solution that was able to work in a fully automated and fast way. Because of the XML and hot-folder possibilities of Imp software, I’m able to make all the wanted impositioning without any operator interventions.

The algorithm of Imp runs at a great speed even for impositions for the digital web press where variable sheet sizes are possible.

With the XML report that Imp software creates for every imposition, I am able to program the JDF connection to both the Canon presses, so even on the press the jobs run with practically no manual intervention.

When bumped into issues, InSoft has a great response time and even new requested functionality was implemented in just a few months.

Boris Antonissen

Head of Prepress & Automation

Chroma Printhouse, Poland

Over € 54000 saved in only six weeks’ time


Chroma Printhouse is the biggest online printing company in Poland. At the moment they are the Polish market leader when it comes to online print, being the first to establish a comprehensive and transparent online shop for its clients, revolutionizing the way customers were able to order online print, with large amounts of customizations possible for each job, ranging from paper type, finishing, folding and numerous other variables.

Apart from being transparent, Chroma strives to be as efficient as possible in its printing jobs, which is a challenge if you’re getting over 1000 print jobs every day. For the last years Chroma Print was using software together with a dedicated team of experienced DTP personnel whose main task was to daily check all the imposed sheets that were being made.

Need for automated imposition

“The moment you’re doing over 1000 jobs every day, you realize that this is becoming a very tedious and repetitive full-time job for them,” Andrzej Nowak, Deputy Director at Chroma explains. “The biggest risk for us was that we were not able to maximally utilise their experience to create a real added value to our company, so we started looking for ways to further automate our sheet optimization.”

Together with the Polish Four Pees reseller PM Software, Chroma started looking through automation solutions. Very quickly they started looking at a solution combining callas pdfToolbox Server and InSoft Imp to do test their sheet optimization.

Using AutoIMP to look for ‘the ideal sheet’

“Savings over those six weeks was around 243 000 PLN, which is over 54.000 euro that Chroma Print was able to save” – Arkadiusz Szymosz, owner of PM Software.

“AutoImp, as our combined solution is called, is a system that based on the interaction of several solutions leads to full automation of the generation, analysis and approval of sheets for printing,” Arkadiusz Szymosz, owner of PM Software reveals. “The main goal is to generate the most profitable imposed sheets possible for a company. Together with the production system, all jobs need to be printed by the deadline, but also in the most cost-efficient way possible.”

AutoImp uses pdfToolbox to automate the entire quality control and preflight checking so only good PDF’s go through to the Imp workflow. Imp of course takes care of the sheet optimization and the creation of imposed PDF files. And AutoImp adds the ability to create rules on what should be imposed when in a flexible way on top of the Imp engine.

To fully optimize the workflow at Chroma, PM Software created custom formulas in AutoImp that create the ‘ideal sheet’ before it goes to the printer to avoid as much media waste as possible. Arkadiusz Szymosz: “the goal of creating the ideal sheet with these rules was to reduce media waste even further. Creating these ‘ideal sheet’ formulas for Chroma Print was no easy exercise, as you have to take into account not only the deadline, but all the different variables in all the different jobs.”

Over € 54000 saved in only six weeks’ time

In the end PM Software implemented this ‘ideal sheet formula’ in AutoImp and did a test run at Chroma for six weeks, comparing their solution versus the current workflow with Metrix. After six weeks both solutions had calculated the same ordered area of over 3,9 million square meters of ordered print jobs and calculated the production price per square meter. The result? AutoImp was able to save over 10% of the price per square meter in comparison to the Metrix solution. Arkadiusz reveals: “Savings over those six weeks was around PLN 243000, which is over Euros 54000 that Chroma Print was able to save”

“With this solution we are not only able to save quite a bit of money, but we are also able to get our experienced DTP division away from the tedious and repetitive tasks and really use the full potential of their knowledge and experience” – Andrzej Nowak, Deputy Director at Chroma

“After this test it was clear that the proposed AutoImp Solution was the way to go and that we would be starting the implementation with AutoImp,” Andrzej Nowak, Deputy Director at Chroma, explains. “With this solution we are not only able to save quite a bit of money, but we are also able to get our experienced DTP division away from the tedious and repetitive tasks and really use the full potential of their knowledge and experience to further optimize our print operations.”

“We were already convinced of the added value that Imp could offer printers when it came to sheet optimization,” David Van Driessche, CTO at Four Pees explains. “However, it’s great to be able to work with integrators like Arkadiusz who go the extra mile and want create concrete examples that give you real numbers. I believe that the AutoImp solution that he has made can create benefits for a lot of printers all around the world, and we’re looking forward to see where we can optimize sheet optimization next.”

Arkadiusz Szymosz



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